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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tempo, Tempo.

Not a huge fan of the tempo run, intervals or any other thing that gets me uncomfortable right out of the gate.
I'm more of the wind me up and see how the engine gets going. Not really the best approach if your looking to get faster.
Well I am. And although at 45 years old and some pretty challenged knees Is still believe I have some good to great miles left in me. I will be speed challenged in running, but will never stop pursuing getting at the very least a little faster.
At a 10 mpm pace I can run a long distance I believe. I'm mentally great at picking the next marker and pushing on. But at holding speed for any real length of time, I need to keep trying.
So today was my tempo run at 4 miles.
My new thing I have been trying for anything under 4.5 miles in the a.m. is a small glass of water to wet the whistle, and no fuel. Assuming I ate right they day before. Since my diet has been 95 % spot on and I have been hydrating great daily this has been working well.
I did a quick loosening up, I wouldn't really call it a stretch. Just some knee raises and calve stretches.
Bang, out the door, IPOD flowing to 30 seconds to Mars and my new Garmin friend started.
As usual for me, I start with a smile, then quickly grimace. This always goes away after .25 mile or so, assuming I have not just killed my legs the day before with some long mileage, then it tends to stay a bit.
mile 1- 8:30 pace
mile 2- 9:11
mile 3- 9:59 WTH ??
mile 4- 7:51
Fastest pace 5:44, I don't know yet how to figure out how long I held this. But I like it anyways.
Average was still above 9 @ 9:01, really .01 of a second above 9. Well that's a goal in itself to break. .01
Obviously mile 3 was challenged ? or mind wandering and unfocused.
4 miles done in 34:54.
I'll keep try to stretch the distance out at this pace. Its all an adventure, its all a journey.

2000 meter pool swim turned in to 1600 meters because I got shorted on time. 1x100 to 5x300 on 30 seconds rest. I believe the time was 35:46 . I don't have that watch its in my goggle case in my gym bag.

On another note; I 1 pound shy of ducking under my Clydesdale weight. My goal is still 195 lbs for Surf City 1/2 Marathon Feb 6th.
I'm not dieting to hit that number. Just super clean fuel and training period. If I hit it, GREAT! If I don't, no worries .

As my Road ID says. "This is an adventure on a road less traveled by most- LOVE LIFE".
I believe that is true.

Have a great day:  


  1. Tempos are tough aren't they?!! I a still trying to figure mine out.

    Sounds like you are well on yourway to minus clydesdale status. What is the category below?

  2. Sub-200? Nice. Keep up the clean living and consistent training.

  3. Nice job on the run, even if it did hurt.

  4. Tempo runs are the hardest for me. I like speedwork; that shorter interval makes all the difference. Still, well done!

  5. I'm with Kate, speed intervals I love, but holding a faster pace for a few miles = scary. I know it needs to be done though.

    Nice job on the tempo and awesome on hitting your weight goal through clean fueling and good training!

  6. Tempo and Interval training are tough but I believe it not only makes me faster it makes me mentally stronger.

    For example today called for 2x(6x400) with 1:30 RI at a 6:30/mile pace.

    I pushed and grunted and spit and each time I thought I was closer to 6:40-6:45 and as it turns out I was never higher that 6:21. After that I knew in my mind that while it was tough I did it and can't wait for the next one.

    Keep up the clean eating and the weight will fall off for that I have no doubt.

    Let me know how I can help with the clean eating as I have been doing it for about 1.5 months and it has made a huge difference in my training and weight.

  7. Tempo runs are hell for me. Seriously...BUT it certainly makes you stronger, faster, and mentally tougher. I am working on clean eating and losing weight myself. Good luck

  8. Love the run data - you're clearly capabale of some impressive times! Great job!

    I hate getting short changed on a workout, especially the pool. ugghhh

  9. youve got some good training going!
    I like the lbs goal for SurfCity


  10. My coach never ever has me to tempo or intervals without first warming up. See you at Surf City.

  11. Great job!! Tempo runs suck! Im all in enduramce mode right now so it is very mentally challenging!! Thanks for viewing my Blog!
